Make Your Voice Heard in Support

Engage with Congress for a Stronger Naval Special Operations Community

The FireWolf Association believes in the power of advocacy to drive positive change and ensure the readiness and excellence of our Naval SpecOps/CSAR aviation community. We’re calling upon you to join us in this important mission by engaging with key congressional committees and representatives. Here’s how you can actively advocate for our community:

Advocate for Navy Reserve Aviation

We understand that advocating for Navy Reserve aviation may seem daunting, but we’ve outlined a simple step-by-step guide to help you make a meaningful impact:

Identify Key Representatives

Use our provided spreadsheet to find members of Congress involved in naval aviation decisions. Focus on the Intelligence & Special Operations sub-committee of HASC, Seapower & Projection sub-committee, and ETC sub-committee of SASC.

Click for Spreadsheet

Compose Your Letter

Download our advocacy letter template and personalize it with your voice and concerns.

Click to Download

Contact Your Local Representatives

Visit your local representatives' websites on or and use the template to send your message. Be sure to mention your connection to the HASC or HASC Intelligence & Special Operations committee.

Click for Senate Site

Steps to Advocate Effectively

As we embark on this crucial mission to save HSC-85 and safeguard Navy Reserve aviation from potential cuts, your involvement becomes pivotal. By following the steps outlined below, you actively participate in our advocacy efforts, reinforcing the core mission of the FireWolf Association. Your engagement and dedication are instrumental in preserving the legacy of our community while advocating for its continued excellence.

  • Reach out to key congressmen on the House Armed Services Committee (HASC), especially those on the Intelligence & Special Operations sub-committee.

  • The provided spreadsheet also identifies members on the Seapower & Projection sub-committee, which handles Navy programs.

  • Additionally, consider contacting the Senate Armed Services Committee (SASC) and its Emerging Threats & Capabilities (ETC) sub-committee, responsible for Special Operations programs.
  • Don’t hesitate to send a letter to your local congressman and senators as well. We’ve prepared a template of an electronic letter that you can customize and send through their respective websites on or

  • Most members of Congress have a “Contact Me” tab on their website, which may require your zip code/address to determine if you’re a constituent. When communicating with their DC office, mention your outreach regarding the HASC or HASC Intelligence & Special Operations sub-committee.

  • Electronic letters are preferable as congressional offices track them efficiently to identify trending issues. However, sending a hard copy can also be effective.
  • We encourage electronic letters as they are more trackable and help Congress quickly identify important issues.

  • While hard copies are welcome, consider starting with electronic communication for maximum impact.
  • We’ve attached a spreadsheet listing all members of HASC, SASC, and the SOF caucus, making it easier for you to connect with the relevant representatives.

Advocacy Links


Key members to focus advocacy

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